Regular Oral Exams:
Regular Examinations are crucial to maintaining good oral health.That is because regular check-ups can spot and prevent potential future health problems. This is important since poor oral health has been linked to other serious health problems. It is recommended that oral examinations be done every 6 months to ensure good oral health. Book your comprehensive examination today!
Dental Cleaning:
Clean teeth are healthy teeth. Patients should have their teeth cleaned by a dental professional twice a year. A professional cleaning can not be matched by traditional brushing done at home. When a patient receives a cleaning from a dental care professional, the professional is able to remove tartar that may have built up around the gum line. A regular cleaning at home can not efficiently achieve the same results.
Oral Cancer Screening:
The purpose of an oral cancer screening is to identify early warning signs of mouth cancer. The earlier this is identified, the more effective the treatment becomes. This procedure is conducted during your regular oral health examination. This is why it is crucial to maintain regular visits.